The inner and outer baileys and the great keep belong to this time. It was during the reign of Henry II that the castle began to take recognisable shape. In 1088, eight knights were appointed under tenures to guard Dover Castle, their names were: William d'Albrincis Fulberl de Dover, William d'Arsic Geoffrey Peverell William Maminot Robert du Port Hugh Crevecoeur and Adam Fitzwilliam.
It collapsed to the ground and the clay was then used as the flooring for many of the ground-floor rooms. The Castle was first built, entirely out of clay. having taken possession of the castle, the Duke spent eight days adding new fortifications to it'. While the inhabitants were preparing to surrender unconditionally,, greedy for money, set the castle on fire and the great part of it was soon enveloped in flames. The English, stricken with fear at his approach had confidence neither in their ramparts nor in the numbers of their troops. Then he marched to Dover, which had been reported impregnable and held by a large force. From the Cinque Ports foundation in 1050, Dover has always been a chief member-it may also have been this that first attracted William's attention, and got Kent the motto of Invicta. They took a roundabout route via Romney, Dover and Canterbury. The view down from the (possibly Saxon) burgh, and Harbour beyond.Īfter the Battle of Hastings in October 1066, William the Conqueror and his forces marched to Westminster Abbey for his coronation.