Viktor frankl biografia
Viktor frankl biografia

In this theory, health is both subjective and objective. The nurse-patient relationship is essential to successful patient care, and this relationship is established by an interaction process.īuilding the patient-nurse relationship takes place in five phases: the original encounter, the visibility of personal or emerging identities, empathy, sympathy, and the establishment of mutual understanding and a rapport. Travelbee believed nursing should be accomplished through human relationships that begin with the original encounter, progress through the stages of emerging identities, and lead to the development of empathy and sympathy.

  • The hoping person is in possession of courage to be able to acknowledge its shortcomings and fears and go forward toward its goal.
  • Confidence that others will be there for one when you need them.
  • The desire to possess any object or condition, to complete a task or have an experience.
  • viktor frankl biografia

  • It is linked to elections from several alternatives or escape routes out of its situation.
  • It is strongly associated with dependence on other people.
  • Hope is defined as a faith that can and will bring change that will bring something better with it. The role of nursing in Travelbee’s theory is to help the patient find meaning in the experience of suffering, as well as help the patient maintain hope. Suffering ranges from a feeling of unease to extreme torture, and varies in intensity, duration, and depth. Each of these concepts is defined by Travelbee to help nurses understand the model. For ages 12 and up.The main concepts of the nursing theory are suffering, meaning, nursing, hope, communications, self-therapy, and a targeted intellectual approach. These are small quib­bles in a well writ­ten book that, though text book­ish, over­flows with clear­ly explained infor­ma­tion about heavy top­ics: com­pet­ing psy­chi­atric the­o­ries, dis­ci­pline of logother­a­py, Nazi rise to pow­er and tar­get­ed destruc­tion of Jews. If only title and chap­ter fonts had fol­lowed suit they are fre­net­ic, slant­ed and tacky. Warm moments dis­cuss Frankl’s fam­i­ly life, his two mar­riages and one daugh­ter. Mar­velous fam­i­ly por­traits and won­der­ful old post­cards of Vien­na set the scene and recap­ture the era. The vol­ume chrono­log­i­cal­ly unfolds his life, often mak­ing par­al­lels with Adolf Hitler who once lived near the Fran­kl home in Vien­na. Fran­kl, a prankster as a child, grew into a man with a flair for risk his favorite activ­i­ties includ­ed brain surgery, moun­tain climb­ing and casi­no gam­bling. More than a per­son­al sto­ry, Fran­kl ana­lyzed the sit­u­a­tion as a psy­chi­a­trist con­nect­ing it to his logother­a­py, which finds mean­ing in action, cre­ation, and suf­fer­ing. Upon lib­er­a­tion, he wrote one of the first camp exposés, Man’s Search for Mean­ing, one of the ten most influ­en­tial books in Amer­i­ca, accord­ing to the Library of Con­gress.

    viktor frankl biografia

    Using his pre­vi­ous expe­ri­ence doc­tor­ing sui­cide patients, he helped many fel­low inmates sur­vive. He believed peo­ple could exist on their inner strength.

    viktor frankl biografia

    Fran­kl spent two and a half years in four con­cen­tra­tion camps dur­ing the Holo­caust. His new treat­ment dif­fered from Sig­mund Freud’s and Alfred Adler’s, giants who began as his men­tors and end­ed as his angry com­peti­tors. Aus­tri­an Jew, Vik­tor Fran­kl, was a prac­tic­ing psy­chi­a­trist and cre­ator of logother­a­py. For those curi­ous about the man behind the famous book Man’s Search for Mean­ing, this sol­id, seri­ous biog­ra­phy chron­i­cles an inspir­ing life.

    Viktor frankl biografia